استاندارد اندازه گذاری / قطعات و تلرانسها در نقشه کشی صنعتی (برگرفته شده از یک سایت خاجی)
Linear Dimensioning

Angular Dimensioning

Chain-Parallel dimensioning

Examples of chain and parallel dimensioning are shwon above. The advantage of parallel dimensioning is that there is no build-up of tolerances.
Dimensioning a brokent feature.

Dimensioning Diameters

Dimensions of diameters are shown on view providing greatest clarity
Dimensioning Holes

Dimensioning Chamfers/Countersinks

Metric Screw Threads
Thread Designation
If the thread is standard course then the pitch need not be shown. However it is better that it is always shown
If the tolerance grade for the pitch diameter and the major diameter is the same then only one needs to be shown.
Threads right handed (clockwise turn to screw in) unless a -LH suffix is added to indicate left hand thread.
The Class of Fit is a measure of the degree of fit between mating internal and external threads.
Classes of Fit
If one class is shown for a male thread i.e 6g then the tolerance applies to the pitch dia and the major diameter. A dual tolerance is shown (5h6g) when a different tolerance is applied to the Pitch dia (5h) and the major dia (6h). The same principle applies to the female thread e.g. a tolerance grade (6H ) applies to both pitch dia and the minor dia. A tolerance grade (6H7H) refers to 6H for the pitch dia and 7H for the minor dia.
The typical designation for a thread on a drawing is as follows
Pipe Threads
The typical designation for a Pipe Threads

Square Ends on Shafts / Flats on Shafts
Rolling Bearings
Rolling bearings can be shown as detailed views with the housings hatched in the sections. These view would be similar to the views indicated in the bearing catalogues. The standards also allow the bearings to be shown in a simplified way. Some typical illustrations are shown below. The Standard should be consulted for the full range of bearings.
A number of additional bearings with their simplified representation are shown on webpage Bearings

Splines & Serrations

Dynamic Seals

Rotating Seals

Dimensioning of fits

Dimensioning of acceptable deviation of dimensions